Projects & Programs

Current Citizen Science Projects

Using the drone to seek out the Elders and measure their crowns

Turtle Nest Monitoring 

& Turtle Rescues

More Info

This project has been ongoing since 2014 thanks to our volunteers!

Active Work Projects

Turtle Rescues

Members engage in turtle and marine mammal  animal  rescues.

Marine Debris Collection

Members walking the foreshore collect rubbish to protect wildlife.

Bird Counts & Community Education

Weeding and Revegetation.

Advocacy, Education & Engagement Activities

Wildflower Walks

See Calendar for dates

STEAMzone Collaboration

National Science Week 

Twilight Science Market

Rainbow Beach


Summary of programs & projects 

Last updated: 15/09/2024


Coastcare programs depend on volunteers. 

Programs vary from year to year depending on Coastcare's priorities, available funding to provide coordination , tools, scientific services and the availability of volunteers.   

Some activities are an occasional day that we make a special occasion, some are weekly, monthly or bi-monthly and others are an annual event.

Tree planting for Queensland Climate Week
Working bee at the Coastcare Shed 2021: L-R Rod Hutchinson, Linda Tabe, Paul & Sue Riddett, Don Rhinehart and Nancy Haire
Volunteer Citizen Scientists working with Scientists at the Cooloola BioBlitz 2019
Turtle egg rescue in the aftermath of Cyclone Oma: Murray Bates and Lindy Orwin