What we do!


25 years experience, commitment and action!

Cooloola Coastcare has been applying for Local, Regional, State and Federal Government grants to achieve its goals since incorporation in 2001.  It was formed with the amalgamation of the Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach Coastcare groups who had both been formed in 1995. 

With many years of experience in successful Natural Resource Management (NRM) delivery in the Cooloola and Great Sandy coasts, wetlands and communities, the organisation is aware of coastal NRM issues, and the experienced team will work with your organisation to achieve environmentally best practice solutions for the benefit of our coastal environment and communities.

Coastcare’s programs include:


Objectives of Cooloola Coastcare:

2:1. value, protect and enhance the natural environment, particularly coastal and marine areas;

2:2. draw the attention of the local community to the need to use ecologically sustainable land use and conservation practices;

2:3. To engender in local communities, including local industries, a sense of stewardship for coastal and marine areas;

2:4. promote the adoption of land use and management practices that create a balanced ecosystem and conserves biodiversity thereby ensuring the future livelihood of local people;

2:5. foster cooperation between stakeholders wherever action is needed to rehabilitate degraded habitats and undertake joint projects when needed;

2:6. to conduct regular meetings at which will be transacted the normal business of the Association and at which films may be screened, the services of local and visiting lecturers utilised and other activities associated with the development of these objects conducted;

2:7. to conduct regular outings and field days to areas where members may participate in the study of Coastcare projects;

2:8. to promote the preservation of Flora, Fauna, Geological and Geographical features, Environmental and Habitat units by all lawful means, including, but not by way of limitation, the following :

2:8:a. by educating by all possible means all sections of the community, in an understanding of the principles of Coastcare, Conservation, Biodiversity, Sustainable Resource Use and Preservation of the Environment.

2:8:b. by discouraging threatening processes to, or the wanton destruction, of any such Flora, Fauna, Geological or Geographical features and particularly those sites known to have Sacred or Cultural significance for the Aboriginal people.

2:8:c. by accepting affiliation from, or co-operating or affiliating with any Society or Corporation in Australia or elsewhere for the furtherance of the foregoing objects.

2:8:d. by supporting management plans and agreements that are consistent with the Associations objects.

2:8:e. to cooperate fully with all Local Government Departments and land holders and others to ensure that they are aware of environmental concerns before making major planning decisions that could affect land management; and

2:8:f. to seek Corporate sponsorship or Government funding to finance the publication and distribution of such information to interested parties; and

2:8:g. to make submissions on Coastcare matters and to take all legal actions to ensure environmentally appropriate decisions are made.

2:9. To establish a Public Fund under the Association’s constitution and rules for all donations received for the specific purpose of supporting the Group's environmental objects. 

The fund will be called "Cooloola Coastcare Association Public Fund" and must comply with all the requirements of subdivision 30-E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997

2:10. To publish regular Newsletters to keep members informed of the Associations activities and future events.

2:11. By all such other acts or things, as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.

Source: Constitution of the Cooloola Coastcare Association Inc. 

Last updated: 15/08/2024