
Aims of the Cooloola BioBlitz

  1. To generate and extend biodiversity data for northern Cooloola, an outstanding natural area on the World Heritage Tentative List

  2. To educate the participants and the larger community about the area’s living natural resources

  3. To build citizen science capacity through mentoring and training to conduct on-going monitoring in the region

Mapping Cooloola's Biodiversity

Cooloola is a most significant natural terrestrial area adjoining the Great Sandy Strait Ramsar site. It has outstandingly significant natural resources. The area has a rich array of habitats from the bay to beach, from wallum to rainforest and from fens to high dunes.

Cooloola has not been well studied biologically since a comprehensive study by the CSIRO in the late 1970s. Many of K’gari’s World Heritage values were inferred from that initial CSIRO study of Cooloola.

The BioBlitz will provide new baseline data to be compared with and added to data anticipated from future BioBlitzes in coming years. It will showcase, explore and raise awareness of the full diversity of all life forms in northern Cooloola.

The partnership between FIDO and Cooloola Coastcare will not only add to the knowledge of Cooloola’s living natural resources but, through the use of experienced mentors and formal evening information sessions, also will provide a rich training and encouragement for future citizen scientists to add to the wider community appreciation of this special region.

The project is strongly supported by biological scientists throughout South East Queensland because government resources have been inadequate to do a comprehensive biological inventory. The engagement of an army of citizen scientists will help address this deficiency.

The involvement of a diverse array of scientists, naturalists and community members of all ages in all phases of observation, identification, recording and analysis of habitats of all living natural resources is an important exercise in promoting and developing citizen science.

Significance of Cooloola

The Cooloola Coast is on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative list as part of the proposed Great Sandy World Heritage Area.

Cooloola is part of a Ramsar Wetland of International Significance (992)

The region is located within the UNESCO Great Sandy Biosphere Reserve

The marine waters form part of the Great Sandy Marine Park

The non-urban is predominantly taken up by the Cooloola Recreation Area, Great Sandy National Park - Cooloola Region and unallocated state land.

The dunes and mangroves provide critical high tide roosts for endangered and migratory shorebirds.

Migratory birds travel through and roost in Cooloola as part of the East Asian - Australasian Flyway.